Q = Quilts

Q = Quilts

Maine and quilts go together like a needle and thread. Quilting has been around for thousands of years so New Englanders didn’t invent this type of handcraft, but it’s a wonderful fit for our way of life.

Here are two reasons why. First, Mainers have a strong aversion to throwing things away. We don’t like to be wasteful, but want to get the maximum use out of an item. The material for a quilt can come from leftover fabric pieces of previous sewing projects or from a section of a clothing article that no longer can be mended.

Secondly, we are practical. Sure, we can [and many DO] invest time and effort into something that is strictly art, but quilting allows the Mainer to create a work of beauty AND function! Once the time-consuming labor of love is completed, the result is a one-of-a-kind bed covering that provides physical warmth and eye-appealing charm.

Over the centuries, Mainers have produced these stitching masterpieces for a variety of reasons. Quilts have been sewn for their own homes, as well as gifts for weddings and baby showers. During the Civil War, quilts were made and sent to wounded soldiers recovering in hospitals. In the summer months, you can find homemade quilts hanging at the local fair awaiting the judges’ assessment, and perhaps, a winning ribbon.

Quilting remains a vibrant part of present day Maine. One look at the statewide Pine Tree Quilting Guild will reveal that this is a craft that continues to be enjoyed. The group has over 2,000 members in 70 different chapters!

The photos in this post are of the quilt my great grandmother stitched for me. This patchwork quilt —with over 850 square blocks — was made entirely by hand. It’s a treasure!

Chances are good that you have a handmade quilt in your home. I’d love to see it! Snap a shot and tag @MaineFeatures on your favorite social media platform.

This post is part of my A to Z Challenge Series with the overall theme, “This Maine Life.” I am covering a Maine-related topic with a different letter of the alphabet every day except Sundays throughout the month of April 2020.

R = Restaurants

R = Restaurants

P = Potatoes

P = Potatoes